Strengthening of Tanzania’s Unified Community Health System (UCS)
Project background
Digital Square is a PATH-led initiative designed and funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a consortium of other donors.
Digital Square, in partnership with the world’s leading digital health experts, works with countries to strengthen digital health systems. In pursuit of our mission to connect health leaders with the resources necessary for digital transformation, Digital Square offers a new way to invest in digital health by providing a space where countries and members of the global community can gather to think big and do good, together. By convening government officials, technological innovators, donor and implementation partners, and others across borders and boundaries in the “digital square,” we can grow possibility into reality by focusing on our common goal: connecting the world for better health.
The Tanzania Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the President's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) and other stakeholders, has embarked on a joint effort in the development of a Unified Community Health System (UCS). The effort joins all stakeholders, including partners working in health care predominantly at the community level, to have a single and comprehensive digital community health system that will have all essential components.
Since 2021, Digital Square has collaborated with the Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Health to strengthen the community health system based on the Open Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP) software.
With funding support from USAID, Digital Square worked with the Ministry of Health to strengthen the digital community health system platform functionalities and governance structure as part of Tanzania's health information system.
The UCS is built on OpenSRP. The system comprises three components: the WAJA application for community health care workers, the KITUONI application for facility health care workers, and the reporting application (In-App and dashboard) for the managerial level to provide insights and analytics of data to support decision-making.
Proposed project timeline
PATH anticipates that participating organizations in this hackathon will be engaged for one month from 20th August 2023 to 19th September 2023
Conclusion of process
Applicants will be notified of the decision on August 18, 2023. The final award is subject to the terms and conditions included in this solicitation.
Scope of the hackathon
The engagement in this hackathon will include the following key areas:
Understanding of the OpenSRP platform
The software development entity to be engaged in the hackathon will be expected to conduct a thorough review of the OpenSRP platform and demonstrate technical understanding of the following:
Technologies required for implementing OpenSRP-based solutions.
Technical requirements for backend infrastructure
Technical requirements for frontend settings and deployment
Technical requirements for potential integration of OpenSRP solution with other systems.
Relevant community platforms for OpenSRP developers
Ability to customize the OpenSRP platform
The software development entity to be engaged in the hackathon will be provided with the scope of work that will comprise business processes and data collection tools to be configured using OpenSRP. This configuration is expected to cover the following requirements:
Data collection: How to configure the OpenSRP platform for data collection. Participants will be provided with sample forms for configuration.
Data exchange: How to configure OpenSRP platform to exchange data with other systems via APIs
Data visualization: How to configure web-based platform for visualization of data collected via OpenSRP platform.
Experience in open-source platforms
The software development entity to be engaged will be required to demonstrate experience in implementing open-source projects, focusing on the following attributes:
Demonstrating sample open-source solutions that the entity has implemented.
Demonstrate relevant documentation done as part of the implementation of the solution.
Demonstrate engagement in global open-source communities.
Demonstrate experience in building capacity.
Hackathon award
As part of building the network of software developers who can support the development of the solutions using OpenSRP, the primary reward for the winning entity in this hackathon will be engaged as a potential implementing partner for OpenSRP-related projects under PATH. The winning entity will also be introduced to relevant stakeholders who are supporting OpenSRP projects in the country.
Note: There will be no direct monetary reward for the winner.
Application requirements
To be considered to take part in the hackathon, the applying entity is expected to submit a technical proposal that will include the following key areas:
Description of the entity and legal evidence to operate in Tanzania
Description of the technical team within the team
Description of the proposed methodology that will be used during the implementation of the scope for this hackathon.
Applications due August 16, 2023, 05:00 p.m. (EAT)
Completed applications must be submitted via WizeHive.
All applications should be entered into the WizeHive platform. Any questions related to the platform should be addressed to Maria Soc ( The process for submission is as follows:
Navigate to the submission portal and click “Sign Up” or “Log In.”
Once logged in, click “Create a Profile to Get Started.” This step must be completed before you can proceed with the application.
Click the “Get Started” box (marked with a “+”).
You can now access and edit the required form(s).
All forms can be saved in draft prior to submission.
Once the required form(s) are completed, the “Submit” button will be green and clickable. Once submitted, forms cannot be edited.
We advise that you send files in commonly recognized Microsoft formats. We will not accept responsibility for resolving technical transmission problems with applications.
Submission of questions and answers
Please submit questions by August 11, 2023, to Sadick Masomhe, All responses will be emailed to the submitter by August 15, 2023, 05:00 p.m. (EAT).
Conclusion of process
Applicants will be notified of the decision by August 18, 2023, 05:00 p.m. (EAT).