The 2023 global call for digital health content global goods is now open!
By: Digital Square
Digital Square is excited to announce the launch of its second-round global call dedicated to content global goods under Notice G. This call, Notice G1, seeks to support the discoverability, accessibility, and promotion of content global goods, which are crucial for building better digital health systems for low-middle-income countries.
At Digital Square, global goods are digital health tools that are free, open source, impactful, scalable, and adaptable to different countries and contexts. They are a mature subset of digital public goods for health.
A content global good is a resource, toolkit, or data standard that is available under an open license and is used to improve or analyze the capabilities required to manage health data, digital tools, systems, governance, and processes. These capabilities include efficient resource allocation and the effective management of hardware, software, infrastructure, operations, and people.
Through an open and competitive process, digital health tools will be selected based on their ability to qualify as a content global good using the recently released Content Maturity Model Version 1.0.The model is based on essential indicators in three core areas— global utility, community support, and digital health content maturity. This tailored model assesses the content's current state, roadmap for improvement, governance structures, and sustainability.
“Based on feedback from the digital health community and our experiences over the last few years, we have developed a maturity model tailored to digital health content tools. This model evaluates the unique characteristics and capabilities of content tools, whilst remaining consistent with overall quality criteria of the maturity models for software and services global goods. Our focus is on gaining insight into experiences of those creating, implementing, and investing in global goods to ensure continual improvement to the means in which we support this community.”
Doing things differently—digital health content global goods to accelerate innovation
Digital Square collaborated with the Digital Health & Interoperability Working Group (DH&I WG) and the broader digital health community to develop and refine the Global Good Maturity Model - v1.0,which was adapted from the existing maturity model for software global goods. The models are used to identify and prioritize areas of investment for global goods and understand where global goods may need support to enhance their products.
Benefits of Applying
Successful applications will receive recognition as an approved content global good, earning a special status that enables them to attract donor support. They will also become part of the wider Digital Square global goods community, a platform that offers technical guidance, knowledge sharing, and many opportunities for collaboration.
Digital Square compiles a Global Goods Guidebook and is launching a digital version of the guidebook in the next quarter, showcasing approved global goods that can enhance and advance a country's health strategies. The guidebook serves as a valuable resource for countries seeking to learn about global goods. Successful applicants will be included in this guidebook, which is a recommended guide endorsed by international donors and development agencies for countries seeking digital health solutions for country adoption and for donors looking to invest in global goods.
Join us for the Notice G1 guidance webinar on June 28 at 10:00am ET as we walk through the request for applications and provide a real-time question and answer session with the project team.
Learn more about Notice G.
For more information about Digital Square's portfolio of global goods, please get in touch with Digital Square's Deputy Director of Global Goods, Carl Fourie: or Technical Program Manager, Linda Taylor: