Strengthening Ghana's Immunization Systems: A Step Towards Digital Innovation and Pandemic Control
By: Victory Kamthunzi, Communications Officer, Digital Square
Digital solutions are vital to strengthen healthcare systems and address global health challenges in today's ever-evolving world. In Ghana, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Digital Square at PATH have partnered with the Ghana Health Service (GHS) to transform immunization systems through the Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC) project. This collaboration aims to select and adapt digital tools to enhance Ghana's immunization landscape, benefiting routine immunization and the fight against COVID-19. As part of the project, Digital Square conducted an extensive mapping exercise to gain insights into Ghana's digital immunization ecosystem.
Mapping Ghana's digital immunization ecosystem
Digital Square took a comprehensive approach to understanding the current state of Ghana's immunization health domain in partnership with GHS. The team first conducted a desk review of Ghana's health and digital governance documents, and then deployed a survey to regional IT managers, and consulted with ministry of health leaders to validate the assessment and identify areas for improving the digital health immunization ecosystem.
The ecosystem mapping findings highlighted several challenges that impede Ghana's immunization system from operating efficiently. First, infrastructure limitations such as unreliable internet connectivity prevent healthcare data from being updated and accessed in real-time. This leads to frequent server connection errors and makes it challenging to conduct data analysis. This is further exacerbated by insufficient funding for purchasing the data needed to operate healthcare systems. A lack of interoperability among existing systems also results in siloed information and the need for healthcare workers to conduct duplicate data entry, which is a time-consuming task that can be eliminated by connecting systems together.
Conducting a workshop to align priorities and strengthen capacity
To further understand Ghana's digital health ecosystem and align with the country's strategy, Digital Square and GHS organized a three-day workshop in Accra in June 2023. Participants included representatives from multiple units within the GHS and stakeholders working in the immunization space including district directors, disease control officers, and community health nurses. The workshop sought to prioritize immunization-related goals and enhance health workforce capacity at various levels, from the community to the national level.
Workshop to align priorities and strengthen capacity. Photo: PATH
The workshop was a collaboration between Digital Square, GIZ and GHS. Photo: PATH
GHS, GIZ and Digital Square agreed that DIPC activities will center on strengthening existing in-country digital immunization tools. Photo: PATH
“In a world where change is ubiquitous and electronics rule, this workshop comes in handy. Often programs bring tools they have worked by themselves to healthcare workers at the implementation level. The implementers are oblivious to how indicators are chosen. Using implementers to validate indicators or any aspect of the program, they are able to own the program and ensure the desired change. It also motivates the staff who will use this tool because they understand and mentor others to use it. Ga West Municipality is grateful for the opportunity to work with PATH (Digital Square) on Digital Innovation and Pandemic Control Project. We also look forward to more of these labor-saving projects.”
Harnessing opportunities for strengthening Ghana's immunization systems
Since the GHS has a clear vision outlined in its national digital health strategy, the mapping exercise facilitated collaboration between Digital Square, GIZ and GHS to identify opportunities where the DIPC project can support the enhancement of digital health immunization systems that are aligned with the national strategy. GHS and Digital Square agreed that DIPC activities will center on strengthening existing in-country digital immunization tools.
The DIPC project will prioritize three key initiatives for implementation from 2023-2024, which include:
1. Enhancing DHIS2 E-Tracker (District Health Information System) to serve as Ghana's immunization information system.
2. Strengthening the capacity of health workers to utilize identified digital immunization systems effectively.
3. Enabling interoperability among current digital tools through data exchange based on the HL7 FHIR standard (Health Level Seven International).
Looking forward
Through the collaborative efforts of the GHS, Digital Square, GIZ and the DIPC project, Ghana's journey toward developing and operationalizing an interoperable digital solution for immunization is underway. By leveraging existing tools, enhancing the immunization information system, and promoting interoperability, Ghana is paving the way for improved immunization systems that are responsive to the needs of clients, healthcare providers, and health system managers. This transformative initiative will contribute to routine immunization and strengthening pandemic control measures, including those targeted at combating COVID-19. With digital innovation at the forefront, Ghana is taking significant strides toward a more resilient and efficient healthcare system.