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DRIVE Demand: Supporting digital health platform adaptations to improve COVID-19 and routine immunization data availability, visibility, and uptake

  • Pretoria South Africa (map)

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Digital Square will be hosting a webinar to share cross-country learnings from our Digital Results Improve Vaccine Equity and Demand (DRIVE Demand) project. We will be discussing what it takes to introduce and sustain digital tools in immunization programs and how to best use digital tools to influence vaccination demand.

Project Overview

The DRIVE Demand project is a two-year, US$5 million partnership funded by The Rockefeller Foundation with PATH’s Digital Square initiative. It supports Ministries of Health in Mali, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, and Zambia to expand the use of digital technologies to understand, track, and influence demand for COVID-19 and routine immunizations.

Event description

We invite you to hear from our esteemed panelists about:

  • How can our collective learning about adapting digital health solutions for improved immunization during COVID-19 inform future health emergencies?

  • How is adapting and scaling existing digital systems to handle emerging demands a strategy that can serve both short- and long-term health system needs?

  • How are user-centered design processes amplifying Ministry of Health goals?

Moderator and panelists

Moderator: Heidi Good, Project Lead, DRIVE Demand (US)


  • Jacqueline Anena, Immunization Technical Advisor (Uganda)

  • Dr. Joseph Kayaya, Lead Product Manager (Zambia)

  • Auson Kisanga, Deputy Project Director, Digital Square (Tanzania)

  • Oury Bah, Technical Advisor, Immunization Data and Systems (Senegal)

  • •osselyn Neukom, Senior Regional Southeast Asia Advisor (Vietnam)

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