Connecting the World for Better Health.

Global Goods and COVID-19

Use Cases


Through the USAID-funded Map and Match project, Digital Square has mapped the existing functionality of approved global goods to COVID-19 use cases described in the Digital Applications and Tools Across an Epidemiological Curve (DATEC).

Below is a list of Digital Square approved global goods mapped across the use cases visualized in the DATEC.* The global goods are grouped by those that have already been adapted to match a use case and those that could be adapted to match a use case (i.e., simple, easy, low-lift adaptations). More information about global good adaptations for COVID-19 can be found on the Digital Square wiki here.


and operation

Support emergency operation centers and other coordination response efforts that make decisions about disease outbreaks.

existing adaptations


Potential Adaptations

Point of entry

System to strengthen border health security, screen, and follow up with suspected infected persons at ports of entry and other border entry points.


Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

None noted.

Supply chain

System for monitoring facility readiness and stock levels.


Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptatoins

Case management

System for documenting client details and clinical interactions.


Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Contact tracing

Identification and follow-up with people who have had high-risk interactions with infected persons.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Health facility and provider administration

System for managing facility accounting and human resources.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Infection prevention control

Systems that support triage; isolation; water, sanitation, and hygiene; and waste management to prevent transmission to staff, other clients, and the community.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Risk communication and community engagement

System for channeling messaging and communication to the public to promote public awareness, counter misinformation, encourage treatment-seeking behaviors, and encourage citizens to take appropriate actions to promote health.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

None noted.

Diagnostic tools

Diagnostic tools with digital connectivity to support monitoring, documentation, and reporting of diagnoses.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

None noted.

Event-based surveillance

System with functionality or ability to monitor patterns indicative of infectious disease epidemic outbreak; systems to detect and document cases of emerging disease threats, investigate those threats, identify cases, and manage the response.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Laboratory systems

System with functionality to order lab tests, follow progress of client samples, and receive test results (e.g., confirm suspected cases).

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Learning and training

Systems or tools that deliver new content or reinforce learning using mobile phones, tablets, or computers, including localized e-learning solutions for health workers and others.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Routine Surveillance

System to manage health data and track trends on an ongoing basis, regardless of whether there is an outbreak or epidemic. Systems usually include aggregate data.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations


Supports harmonized data exchange between digital health information systems.

Existing Adaptations

Potential Adaptations

Data Science Assets

The tools, resources, and approaches that support the intentional and integrated use of data to produce actionable insights that strengthen health systems.

Existing Adaptations

None noted.

Potential Adaptations

*The information used in this mapping was self-reported by the developers of the global goods.