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Request for Proposal #2023-037

Development of an Immunization Product Suite for Tanzania

Development of an Immunization Product Suite for Tanzania  


Digital Square at PATH is soliciting proposals from qualified providers/consortiums to enhance, configure, and/or develop a digital health solution that will meet the requirements as defined in the Tanzania Electronic Immunization Registry (TImR) System Requirements Specification Document found in Appendix A. This document is derived from PATH's Better Immunization Data (BID) project and is informed by WHO's Digital Adaptation Kits (DAK), resources of WHO's SMART Guidelines initiative. PATH anticipates issuing one sub-contract or one sub-award, depending on the registration type of the selected applicant.

Digital Square is inviting applications from interested parties to support the design and development of standards-based, interoperable solution software to cover the core immunization workflows. More specific functional and non-functional requirements to support the workflows are described in Appendix A: TImR System Requirements Specification. The specification document is comprehensive; the specific scope for this project will be agreed upon according to the prioritized needs of the Tanzania MOH and the time and budget available.


The deliverables of this RFP should, at minimum, include:

  • Technical assessment report of the existing TImR detailing best practices and components that can be adopted and gaps and setbacks that need to be addressed in the revitalization of the TImR.

  • Detailed software requirements and solution architecture document detailing, among other things, data model, standards to be adopted, software components and their relationships, and user interface screen mockups. Fully functioning testing harness meeting the described features above.

  • Quality assurance framework and test plan to ensure safety and performance of the system. Tests should include unit tests for code, integration tests, functional tests to validate that features work as expected and as per user and system requirements, and performance metrics. Test cases should comprise functional and automated where automation is appropriate and feasible. All tests must clearly map back to the TImR System Requirements Specification for traceability.

  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version 1 of an improved TImR with functional features detailed under the software scope above and in line with the requirements detailed in the user and system requirements document. All tests are described in the Gherkin language.

  • UAT test report and test results detailed pass rate in line with the quality assurance framework and a plan for addressing failed tests.

  • Minimum Viable Product version 2 of an improved TImR and support for migration from test to production environment for the initial implementation phase.

  • Product, technical, and user documentation, including user guides, training manuals, technical guides, implementation, and configuration manuals.

  • Capacity strengthening report detailing areas of capacity building, approach used, and MOH technical teams that were trained.

  • Three months post-go live support.


PATH anticipates that the implementation period for the selected recipient will be about nine months, though a first working minimal viable product would ideally be ready four months after the contract is initiated. 


Proposals are due August 25, 2023. Completed proposals should be submitted via WizeHive.

All applications should be entered into the WizeHive platform. The process for submission is as follows: 

  • Navigate to the submission portal and click "Sign Up" or "Log In." 

  • Once logged in, click "Create a Profile to Get Started." This step must be completed before you can proceed with the application. 

  • Click the "Get Started" box (marked with a "+"). 

  • You can now access and edit the two required forms.

  • All forms can be saved in draft prior to submission. 

  • Once both required forms are completed, the "Submit" button will be green and clickable. Once submitted, forms cannot be edited.

We advise that you pay close attention to upload instructions for file types. We will not accept responsibility for resolving technical transmission problems with applications. 

Successful applicants will be notified of the decision on September 8, 2023.