Digital Square announces three new Global Goods
Digital Square at PATH is excited to announce the selection of three new global goods, identified as successful applicants during the first review cycle of our ongoing open call for global goods. The addition of these three brings the total number of recognized global goods to 45. Digital Square is delighted to showcase these digital health tools to support the digital transformation efforts of countries across the world.
Below, read more about the selected global goods, two of which are classified as software global goods and one of which is classified as a content global good.
Dedicated pages for each global good provide key product information, including major features, geographic reach and impact, maturity, and community information. Get access to each global good’s source code, website, links to useful resources, and contact information.
Supporting rapid and effective outbreak response
Go.Data is an outbreak investigation tool designed to support outbreak response teams in the field who need robust and reliable tools to manage potentially large amounts of data and efficiently coordinate their essential work. Go.Data facilitates all aspects of outbreak response, including case investigation, identification, listing and tracing of contacts, as well as data management and analysis. The solution allows for recording case data, registering content data, data visualization, and generating detailed reports and analytics. The tool also has a companion mobile application for in-field activities.
Using data to drive digital transformation for community health
SPICE is an open-source digital platform for community-based health that is designed with and for patients and communities. SPICE is built on the principle that digitization is not enough—that data collection alone does not drive outcomes. The platform enables the collection of high-quality data, coordinated across levels of care, and uses insights from that data to make decisions that drive improved clinical outcomes.
Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model (OMOP CDM)
Promoting health data standards to foster interoperability
The OMOP CDM is a data standard designed to harmonize the structure and content of different types of health data, such as electronic health records, insurance claims data, health surveys, and other clinical data sources for federated health research and reporting. Developed by the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) community, the OMOP CDM organizes data into domains or tables representing patient demographics, visits, diagnoses, drugs, measurements (lab tests), procedures, and clinical notes. The primary function of OMOP CDM is to standardize health data that are in different formats to promote interoperability and collaboration. Analytical tools written for the OMOP CDM can be shared among collaborators without the need to exchange the source data, thus allowing provenance and governance of the data to remain with the data owner.
If you or your organization has a software, service, or content resource that you would like to be recognized as a digital health global good, we encourage you to apply through our ongoing open call for global goods.