Connecting the World for Better Health.




Welcome to Digital Square


Lesley-Anne Long

Last week we launched Digital Square, a new global initiative connecting the world for better health.

Development dollars are scarce. Digital Square introduces an innovative approach to funding in the health sector. It’s a simple but powerful concept called co-investment. Through co-investment, we maximize the impact of digital health financing from individuals and organizations in public and private sectors.

We direct these investments into reusable, adaptable technology solutions—called global goods—that have been proven to work. Digital Square then helps to bring those global goods to scale in developing countries and create an environment in which they can be sustained.

The result? Fewer siloes. Better connected health systems. Better data, leading to more informed decision-making, and ultimately, better health outcomes.


Over the next four years, Digital Square will work with its partners to strengthen health systems in multiple countries to help improve the health of more than 400 million people by 2030.

It’s a bold vision and, we believe, an achievable one. To reach our goal, we need people to come together, and minds to meet to exchange ideas, inspire action, and create game-changing solutions.

A town square is a place where people meet and tap into the collective energy of the community. Digital Square provides such a space for the global health sector. With our partners, we connect in the Digital Square to seed and grow big ideas.

Welcome to Digital Square. You can join our community by following us on twitter @DigitalSQR, or connecting with us at We look forward to meeting you!