The Sustainability Calculator is designed to estimate what it will cost to deliver sustainable digital health in a country. The model is not intended to be 100% accurate (nor used for planning purposes), but rather to provide a starting place for understanding the total cost of digital health. Find out more about our assumptions and data here.
Total country population: 0
Total 5-Year Cost: US$ 0
Development: US$ 0
Deployment: US$ 0
Operations: US$ 0
The ongoing annual operating costs in year six and beyond are estimated at: US$ 0
5-year per-person costs in 13 countries categorized by each country's digital health maturity level. Learn more about our market maturity methodology here.
The graphic is of 5-year per-person costs in 13 countries categorized by each country's digital health maturity level. Calculator users can reference their country of interest's digital health maturity level and estimate their per-person cost based on countries with similar digital health landscapes. The values below give a range of possible per-person costs and the mean cost based on identified data sources across all countries of the same digital health maturity.
Maturity level 1
Mean: 8.53 US$
Range: 1.79—19.70 US$
Cost Consideration: May require more significant infrastructure and training costs.
Maturity level 2
Mean: 5.15 US$
Range: 0.59—14.61 US$
Cost Consideration: May require moderate infrastructure and training costs.
Maturity level 3
Mean: 2.85 US$
Range: 2.04—4.04 US$
Cost Consideration: May build on existing digital infrastructure and trained workforce.
The Digital Health Sustainability Calculator presented here in an Excel model developed by PATH as an illustrative way to assess the total cost of sustainable, system-wide digital health implementation at a country level. The Calculator is for informational, non-commercial use only. The accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the Calculator is not warranted or guaranteed. The results are dependent on the assumptions and values entered by users, and users alone are responsible for the results generated by the Calculator. Users agree not to use or rely on the Calculator as a substitute for or to the exclusion of consultation with independent professionals or experts.