Immunization System and User Requirements Document (SURD): Ghana
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The World Health Organization (WHO) Digital Adaptation Kits (DAK) are intended as a tool to ensure that the WHO guidelines are correctly interpreted and integrated into digital health systems, ensuring that care is provided in accordance with evidence-based guidelines. Each DAK focuses on a particular health domain. As the WHO Immunization DAK has not been published at the time of this project initiation, the Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC) project team utilized the WHO DAK framework (format and structure) to develop a generic System and User Requirements document (SURD) for Immunization based on the previous work of the Better Immunization Data (BID) initiative.
This SURD uses that generic framework but localizes it to focus on immunization in the Ghana context and aims to provide a common language across various audiences in Ghana - program managers, software developers, and implementers of digital systems - to ensure a common understanding of the appropriate health information content within the immunization health program area. In doing so, it serves as a mechanism to catalyze the effective use of these digital systems. The Ghana Immunization SURD was adapted through engagements with the Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME) department and Ghana Health Service (GHS) Information Technology (IT) Unit and other key stakeholders, primarily through a four-day workshop in June 2023 followed by review and validation of the outputs of the workshop.
This work was facilitated by Digital Square as part of the GIZ-funded Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control project.