Developed by Digital Square, the Digital Health for Community-Based Management of Febrile Illness framework describes the desired state for community health worker use of digital tools for managing malaria and other febrile illnesses.
Read MoreLed by Busara Center for Behavioral Economics as part of the DRIVE Demand project, this literature review examined key barriers and levers influencing vaccine demand in order to better understand the essential behavioral dynamics impacting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in low- and middle-income countries.
Read MoreAs part of the Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC) project, Digital Square partnered with the Malawi Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Digital Health Division (DHD) and Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) to better understand the digital systems currently used to support immunization.
Read MoreThis fact sheet outlines all the ways in which Digital Square helps secure digital health systems and global goods in particular.
Read MoreWith investment from The Rockefeller Foundation and in partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative and Honduras Ministry of Health, Digital Square will support the optimization of Honduras’ digital health systems strengthening and governance.
Read MoreThis report offers a framework for conceptualizing digital public infrastructure for health (DPI-H) that is grounded in priority digital health interventions.
Read MoreThis country profile provides an overview of current digital immunization systems used in Ghana and outlines priorities so that Ghana—led by the direction of Ghana Health Service and its existing governance mechanisms and supported by other key stakeholders—can use the findings to inform its journey to develop and operationalize interoperable digital systems that support immunization from end to end.
Read MoreThis landscaping analysis report and accompanying executive summary provide a comprehensive review of digital health policies and urban health landscape in 5 South Asian cities.
Read MoreFindings based on root cause analysis of COVID-19 vaccination data backlogs in Senegal, Kenya, and Tanzania.
Read MoreThis document summarizes three resources—a conceptual framework for digital health investment, a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) tool, and a Sustainability Calculator—which have been created by Digital Square in partnership with other digital health experts to promote a more transparent and data-driven digital health ecosystem.
Read MoreDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries experienced data backlogs in their emergency response efforts. A root cause analysis found that server configuration and performance were limiting factors for some programs' ability to effectively capture and report COVID-19 data. As a result, this toolkit has been developed to help organizations quickly assess their DHIS2 Tracker configurations and identify potential problems.
Read MoreThis technical toolkit builds on those findings and presents guidance to resolve identified information and communication technology challenges by users with the use of the DHIS2 and DHIS2 Tracker. The tools provided, designed in consultation with users for actionable results, are designed to help countries quickly address identified challenges, respond to the current pandemic, and scale DHIS2 Tracker implementations into the future so that they do not repeat similar challenges experienced during the pandemic response.
Read MoreWith investment from The Rockefeller Foundation and in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children, Digital Square will support the integration and harmonization of existing immunization systems in Tanzania.
Read MoreWith support from the Ministry of Health and Social Action (MOHSA) in Mali and The Rockefeller Foundation, DRIVE Demand will support technical adaptions to enable two-way SMS messaging in the existing routine immunization platform and provide social behavior change messages via mothers’ groups.
Read MoreDigital Square will work collaboratively with the Department of Disease Control at Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health through investment by The Rockefeller Foundation to support expanded outreach to underserved communities in Thailand’s Narathiwat Province through hyper-local messages to improve routine immunization.
Read MoreWith investment from The Rockefeller Foundation and in partnership with the Uganda MOH, Digital Square will evaluate existing digital health tools for COVID-19 (Smart Paper Tools [SPT] and District Health Information Software 2 [DHIS2]), conduct analysis, and provide recommendations to address identified gaps for improved utilization, visualization, prioritization, and synthesis.
Read MoreWith investment from The Rockefeller Foundation, Digital Square and Ona are collaborating with the Zambia Ministry of Health (MOH) to enhance the Zambia Electronic Immunization Registry (ZEIR), an existing routine immunization system to capture vaccination data for children under five years of age.
Read MoreLa stratégie Digital Square 2023 réaffirme notre vision et notre mission actuelles, met à jour notre théorie du changement et nos paramètres de mesure de l'impact, et articule ce que nous pensons être notre rôle dans le secteur de la santé numérique. La stratégie reflète les besoins actuels et évolutifs de l'écosystème mondial de la santé numérique et décrit comment nous prévoyons de répondre à ces besoins par le biais de notre travail actuel et nouveau.
Read MoreThe Global Goods Guidebook Version 4.0 is a compendium of Digital Square-approved software tools and technologies from the Notice G0 cycle. Produced by Digital Square, the guidebook is a living document that catalogs existing Digital Square–approved global goods, defines the product attributes of each global good, and provides personas to explain how to best leverage the guidebook to provide direction in making decisions on selecting global goods to support a health project.
Read MoreDigital Square aims to significantly impact the uptake and efficacy of FHIR in countries where digital health ecosystems are ready for this type of standardization. With these webinars, Digital Square creates opportunities for partners to deeply engage in the subject matter and feel equipped to begin transforming their own digital health systems. The initiative will actively engage government representatives, digital health entrepreneurs, and implementers in low- and middle-income countries to provide a tailored approach for capacity strengthening.
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